วันเสาร์ที่ 1 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

TEAM B: Character Design

Concept: Create a variety of Characters with full designs and background information. Detailed explanations of what they are and who they are. I got my ideas from the body and illnesses. A team of blood cells that fight against viruses that enter the body.

Software: Adobe Photoshop CS3

Psychology within Advertising

Concept: Research Psychological effects of advertising in different ways. We got our idea of using one product and advertising it in different ways from the advertising we see everyday. the different effects that advertising has on us and the different work concepts we see.
Using one spray canister, we created 4 different adverts for different audiences.

Software: Adobe Premiere Pro CS3, Garage band, adobe Photoshop CS3

PENGUINS: 26 Uppercase Letters

Concept: Create a Title font with a concept. I chose the concept of Penguins. Using penguins, baby penguins and fish to create each letter.

Software: Adobe Photoshop CS3, Adobe Illustrator CS3

Graphic Design Portfolio 2009

Concept: A portfolio from Graphics for Designers 2008. A combination of work that uses ideas, editing and techniques.

Software: Adobe Illustrator cs3, Adobe Photoshop CS3

Chocco TVC

Concept: Create a 2++ minute animation or production using the Adobe after effects program. I created an animated chocolate advert.

Software: Adobe Photoshop CS3, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator CS3

Masking: PUSH

Concept: Create a short Video or animation using the technique of masking. I decided to use some small masking and pushing screens.

Software: Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro

Kinetic Typography: BUSTED Crashed the wedding

Concept: Create a 1.20 minute animation that uses Kinetic Typography. I chose to combine the kinetic typography with cartoon characters.

Software: Adobe Illustrator CS3, Adobe Photoshop CS3, Adobe After Effects, Garage Band

MAHASOM Character Design

Concept: Create a character from a sphere or spherical shape. Mahasom is a creature that lives in the wild and eats everything and anything. I got my inspiration from a friend in my class and developed her into this creature. The colors i chose to use are reptile like combined with troll like features and animal patterns.

Software: ZBrush, Maya, Adobe Photoshop CS3

Aj.Silp Bhirasri Memorial Day

Concept: create a booth, gift and other aspects needed for putting up at the Gift event at Silapakorn University for Ajan Silbhirasri Memorial day.

Software: Adobe Photoshop CS3